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Two Influential Legal texts of the late 16th century (1595-1600), bound in one volume

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A Female student’s arithmetic primer: learning to calculate commercial business transactions

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A sammelband (1807-26) of exceedingly rare and ephemeral titles honoring: François Joseph Talma (1763-1826): France’s leading dramatic actor of the early 19th cen.:

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The Birds of Acid, part 3


Didier Mutel

Book Artist:

Atelier Mutel

Didier Mutel's homage to John J. Audubon’s extraordinary Birds of America


One of Mutel's most delicate works, illustrated with abstract anthropomorphic figures reminiscent of the surrealists so admired by Ponge.


R217A reproduces the text of the United Nations Resolution 217A, the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Man, made December 10, 1948, which was ratified by the UN General Assembly in Paris by 58 member states.

manifesto collage

Mutel's defense and celebration of etching


First-hand reports during the French Revolution by one of Paris’s greatest observers, bound in stunning contemporary parchment and paste-paper boards


Written entirely without the use of the letter "A": very rare first issue of the first edition of this celebrated if brief lipogram